YouTube 10 Seconds Skip

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This is a solution found in the YouTube mobile apps. When a user performs a quick double on the edge of the video box the app video will do 10-second fast forward (right double tap) or a 10-second rewind (left double tap)
🤲 How does this interaction or solution work?
The YouTube app provides a mobile user experience that allows YouTube users to browse and watch videos hosted on YouTube.
Since the inception of mobile video apps, the interaction that allows users to fast-forward or rewind a video has been one of the most challenging areas. Most apps rely on the video playback progress bar, to enable the users to manipulate the timing of the playback.
However, this interaction has proven to be finicky and not entirely reliable.
The YouTube app tackles this challenge by allowing users to fast forward or rewind through a hidden interaction.
When users are watching a video, they can move through the playback timeline by quickly double tapping in the left or right area of a video box, regardless if it's full screen or not.
A double tap on the left area will trigger a 10-second rewind while a double tap on the right area will trigger a 10-second fast forward. A rapid succession of more than two taps will increase the number of skipped seconds.
For example, three consecutive taps will trigger a 20-second skip instead of 10.
These gestures allow the YouTube users to have an accessible an easy to interact with the video playback on a mobile device.
🙌 How does this interaction or solution work?
Reducing Friction and "Power User" feature.
Manipulating playback time in a mobile device is usually a frustrating experience that can challenge the dexterity of the end user.
This interaction allows YouTube to reduce the friction that results from manipulating the video playback and it creates an alternative that can ultimately replace the universal, but finicky playback progress bar interactions.
Although this feature shows up to the users through a concise walkthrough that teaches the interaction, it certainly classifies as a "power user" feature since it relies on a gesture (not a visible UI element.)
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