Fortrabbit Matching Examples

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This is a solution found in the Fortrabbit service documentation. When a customer needs to reference a specific terminal command or code example from Fortrabbit's documentation, their documentation matches those commands and samples with the exact resource names in the customer's account. This behavior facilitates copy and pasting snippets from the documentation.
🤲 How does this interaction or solution work?
Fortrabbit is a managed cloud application service that allows small developers and startups to host PHP applications without the hassle of other more complex or not managed hosting services.
Since Fortrabbit is a very technical service with the goal of making specific parts of developing cloud application and websites more straightforward, one key component of their approach is to provide low friction methods to interact with their service.
To achieve this, Fortrabbit provides easy to read and concise documentation that teaches their customers how to do things like deploying, connecting to their servers via SSH and changing configurations.
When Fortrabbit customers access the documentation while logged in, all the examples in the documentation match the name of the app and resources of that account.
If a user has more than one app under the account, the documentation has a dropdown control to change the matching examples to the desired app.
Users can expect that any example snippet copied from the documentation will run without problems since they exactly match the resource names provided by Fortrabbit.
🙌 How does this interaction or solution work?
Reducing Friction, Reducing Cognitive Load and Ease of Use.
Products that serve technical audiences like software developers are far from being ideally usable. Most products for this audience rely heavily on the expectation that the final users have specific knowledge that can fill the gaps in those experiences.
Unfortunately, this is far from true, and many products fail to address this issue.
By providing snippets that match the actual names of resources instead of placeholder examples, Fortrabbit allows users to have a less confusing experience with their documentation as well as reducing the technical complexity of their product.
This type of solution helps to reduce the very high friction that is very common with technical products like Fortrabbit.
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